All employees (faculty and staff) are eligible.
An employee must notify his/her manager as soon as s/he receives a jury summons. Employees must be excused to serve on jury duty, but a manager may request that an employee postpone his/her jury service based on business or academic necessity.
Up to ten workdays will be paid at employee’s regular rate of pay for days the employee was scheduled to work but instead had to report to the courthouse.
If employee reports to the courthouse but is excused before the end of the business day, s/he should return to work or contact his/her manager for instructions. An employee is expected to report to work on those days when s/he is on call for jury duty.
An employee serving on a jury in which the trial extends beyond ten workdays will be excused from work until the trial is completed.
Employees must provide proof of service at the end of jury duty. If an employee is unable to provide proof of service, the days not worked will be charged to available vacation accruals or charged as time off without pay. Failure to provide proof of service may be cause for disciplinary action in accordance with staff employment policies or the Faculty Handbook.
If an employee serves a full day of jury duty and is scheduled to work that evening, s/he will be excused from work for that evening’s shift. Employees with questions about jury duty in relation to work schedules should contact the HR Service Center.
Responsible Offices
Human Resources Administration
(213) 821-8100
Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs
(213) 740-6715
Issued by:
Michael Quick, Provost and Senior Vice President, Academic Affairs
Todd R. Dickey, Senior Vice President, Administration
University of Southern California