Facilities and Equipment

Policies by Topic - Facilities and Equipment

Collections Or Gifts-in-Kind AcquisitionsThe USC Acquisitions Policy exists to ensure that all collections acquisitions or gifts-in-kind to the University are transferred to University ownership according to all applicable laws, regulations, University standards, and museum artifact and works-of-art professional organization best practices.Facilities and EquipmentFaculty, Staff, Students11/24/20213/14/2024
Collections DeaccessionFacilities and EquipmentFaculty, Staff, student11/24/20212/6/2025
Collections LoansThe USC Collections Loans Policy exists to ensure that all collections, acquisitions artworks, artifacts, or manuscript materials are loaned or temporarily transferred to University ownership according to all applicable laws, regulations, University standards, and museum artifact and works-of-art and library and archives professional organization best practices.Facilities and EquipmentFaculty, Staff, Students11/24/202111/27/2024
Equipment PolicyTo establish procedures for the management and control of equipment owned by or in the possession and custody of USC. This includes the acquisition, identification, recording, use, care, maintenance, disposition, and reporting of U.S. government and contractor-owned equipment held by the university. These procedures are established to comply with federal regulations with respect to government equipment for which the university is responsible and accountable.All Policy Topics, Facilities and Equipment, ResearchFaculty, research, Staff8/31/20152/15/2023
Weekday Football Game ProtocolThese guidelines have been developed for the purpose of establishing the university’s expectations regarding the management of weekday football games.Facilities and EquipmentFaculty, Staff, Students4/12/201310/31/2022
Space Planning and ManagementUSC’s physical facilities, like its personnel and financial assets, are resources to be planned, managed and maintained in a manner which most contributes to the university’s dual missions of research and instruction.Facilities and EquipmentFaculty, Staff, Students7/1/20087/1/2008
SignageAll university signs, both permanent and temporary (i.e. banners), for interior and/or exterior installation, are subject to administrative review and approval by representatives from the Office of the Provost, University Communications and Capital Construction.Facilities and EquipmentFaculty, Staff, Students8/21/201711/15/2024
Galen Event BookingAs the managing unit for the USC Galen Center, the Athletic Department works with the university community, our neighbors, and local and national entertainment organizations to insure the booking of quality and appropriate events in the center.Facilities and EquipmentFaculty, Staff8/8/200811/15/2024
Facilities and Construction ProjectsThese work authorization and purchasing guidelines apply to painting and carpeting projects budgeted at $25,000 or less. Projects in excess of $25,000 will be managed by Capital Construction and Development (CCD) and will adhere to guidelines applicable to large projects.Facilities and EquipmentFaculty, Staff8/15/201111/14/2024