Applies to: Faculty (including part-time and visiting faculty), postdoctoral scholars, staff and students (including graduate/undergraduate student workers and graduate assistants) employed by University of Southern California and its subsidiaries (“USC employees”). This policy continues to apply to individuals on sabbatical, other leaves or while visiting other institutions.
Issued: August 1, 2008
Last Revised: July 14, 2023
Last Reviewed: July 14, 2023
2. Policy Purpose
As the managing unit for the USC Galen Center, the Athletic Department works with the university community, our neighbors, and local and national entertainment organizations to insure the booking of quality and appropriate events in the center. While primarily a venue for athletic events, the center may host other events that support our academic mission and enhance the reputation of the university. The purpose of this policy is to provide standards for events, a clear understanding of how priorities will be assigned for scheduling events, and how event fees for various groups will be set.
3. Scope and Application
The scope of the policy is for booking and reserving the USC Galen Center. This policy covers both internal and external clients and the process associated with booking events at USC Galen Center.
4. Definitions
5. Policy Details
Priorities for Event Scheduling
University athletic events have first priority for scheduling. Organizations that pay premium rates for use of the center receive second priority. University schools or departments and community events selected by the university’s Office of Community & Local Government Partnerships are charged at-cost rates for use of the center, but do not receive scheduling priority over university athletics. The Athletic Department has initially reserved up to 20 event days each year for community events selected by Office of Community & Local Government Partnerships. That number will be reviewed each year and can be adjusted by mutual agreement of the Director of Athletics or his designee and the Office of Community & Local Government Partnerships. Student events selected by the Vice President for Student Affairs may apply to the Director of Athletics for at- cost rates for venues at the center. The Office of Community & Local Government Partnerships, at their discretion, will sponsor selected community organizations and budget funds to subsidize the cost of these events. A deposit will be charged to hold any scheduled date on the center calendar. The Director of Athletics retains the authority to remove scheduled events from the calendar; if an event booking is cancelled by the Director of Athletics, the deposit will be returned.
Costs for Use
At-cost rates and premium rates will be reviewed and established at the beginning of each fiscal year by the Director of Athletics based on expenses and financial review in consultation with the Senior Vice President for Finance and the Office of Budget and Planning. The Director of Athletics may grant at-cost or discounted rates for events that are determined to enhance the university’s relationship with the local community or in other ways support the academic mission of the university. Additional charges may be assessed by the Athletic Department for requests for extraordinary access or services, cleaning above and beyond routine housekeeping, and repair of damages.
6. Procedures
7. Forms
USC Galen Center’s Book an Event Inquiry form:
8. Responsibilities
Community & Local Government Partnerships | Verify client is eligible for community rental rates |
9. Related Information
10. Contacts
Please direct any questions regarding this policy to:
Galen Center Community & Local Government Partnerships | 213-740-0626 213-740-6673 | |