Required Invoice Content
When the purchase of goods and services is authorized by a purchase order, the supplier must provide an invoice for payment. An invoice is a supplier-generated document that should at a minimum include all the following information:
- “Bill to” USC
- “Ship to” USC
- Purchase order number
- Itemized order details
- Amount due
- Supplier name
- Date of invoice
- Remit address of supplier
The above can be found on the front page of the purchase order.
Invoice Mailing
To ensure prompt payment and to avoid late-payment penalties, all invoices should be mailed directly by the supplier to Payment Services. Mailing and emailing information can be found on the supplier purchase order.
The university does not accept supplier statements in lieu of an invoice, except when the statement is for utilities, phone services, or leases.
Tax Review
All invoices will be assessed according to current tax regulations and handled accordingly. (See
Invoice Approvals and Discrepancies
Department financial approvals are required for invoices related to purchase orders valued at $5,000 or higher. An invoice that contains a discrepancy from the purchase order requires department financial approval, regardless of the purchase order’s value. A discrepancy is determined at the line level and occurs when the invoice exceeds the purchase order by 10% or $250 (whichever is less).
Expired Accounts
An invoice that references an expired account cannot be paid, and an alternative account number (with sufficient funds) must be provided. An invoice that references an expired sponsored project account is routed to Sponsored Project Accounting to review the invoice and determine whether the account can be temporarily reopened to allow payment. Their deliberation is based on whether the goods/services were received within the account’s budget period. If the request is denied, another account must be provided by the department in order to process payment.
Overdrawn Purchase Orders/Insufficient Funds
In order for an invoice to be processed for payment, the corresponding purchase order must contain sufficient funding.
Responsible Office
Payment Services
(213) 740-2716
Issued by
Robert Abeles, Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer
University of Southern California