Step 1 – Policy Assessment & Notification
A) Confirm the requirement and benefit of a policy revision and update by:
- Reviewing the current library of policies to ensure necessity
- Identifying and consulting with appropriate subject matter experts (“SMEs”)
B) Complete the Policy Assessment & Notification Form, which will be routed to the Office of Culture, Ethics and Compliance (“OCEC”) for review. Policy owners are required to submit this assessment form when submitting a request for significant updates to existing USC policy.
Step 2 – Policy Development & Stakeholder Engagement
A) Convene SMEs to draft the revised policy using the University Policy Template and Policy Writing Style Guide.
B) Consult or inform all mandatory stakeholders on the policy revision.
Note: Stakeholders should be given at least 5 business days to review a policy in order to provide meaningful feedback. Stakeholder engagement should occur within a reasonable timeframe from the date of policy submission to ensure relevancy (i.e., within the last 6 months).
- Office for Equity, Equal Opportunity, and Title IX, consult
- Human Resources, consult
- Office of Culture, Ethics & Compliance, consult
- Office of General Counsel, consult
- Office of the Provost (if policy impacts faculty), consult
- Academic Senate (if policy impacts faculty), consult
- Student Affairs (if policy impacts students), consult
- Department VP or equivalent, inform
- Senior Jurisdiction Owner (SVP), inform
Policy Owners are strongly encouraged to consult Staff Assembly on any policies which impact staff.
Please contact OCEC at if you require points of contact for the departments and governance bodies listed.
Step 3 – Policy Submittal & Quality Check
Submit policy for review and approval via the Policy Submittal Form.
Step 4 – Policy Approval
OCEC will facilitate the approval process with the Policy Review Core Team and the Jurisdiction Owner.
The Policy Owner may be invited to the next Policy Review Core Team meeting to address questions or concerns about the policy, if needed.
Step 5 – Policy Posted & Communicated
OCEC will post the policy to the external policy site. The Policy Owner and Responsible Officeare responsible for communicating and training on the revised policy to impacted groups.